my name is audie, im 13 at the moment. i listen to alot of music and make my own very often. this website with be the placeholder of my newfound love for classic websites like geocities and 4cum and much of my music stuffs along with updates on my life. middle school fucking sucks ass and im on the verge of falling into shock from panic. my teachers are dumbasses and my classmates are every modern day post-outbreak middle school stereotype in the urban dictionary. i hate most of them tbh. mostly because they were all horrible people to me. i got beat up, lead on, ditched in the cold dark night (this was before i had my phone so no flashlight here) (also im deathly afraid of the dark), gaslighted into insanity, cucked by my dumbass ru-pual princaple who belevied every lie that people told them but never me. it sounds mild in short but i was basiclly mindfucked 17703 style but i at least didnt die. im still alive. yea i basiclly got squiked. all of this happening to me may have been the reason i am who i am now. im lethargic as fuck 24/7 and im stressing out over everything. i developed stress-eating and now im overweight ( i think im 160 pounds now). i also developed many things prematurly that worry me alot like enjoying the taste of alchohol, caffenee addiction, masturbation addiction, wierd fetishes (not going to get into that), and wanting to get drunk with someone. i hope my parents never find this website.